Wednesday 9 December 2009

Banff Harbour - Marina (more pics)

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I took a walk along to the Harbour yesterday and even in the winter it looks inviting. It really is a nice place to pass away a few hours surrounded by a lump of history that just stirs the memory. I've added a few more pictures, these were taken at the beginning of last year. The Quayside must have been a hive of activity in the old days, but now the scene is one of tranquility where old and new seem to have blended quite well. Be handy if there were to be a little quayside pub, wonder if there was one years ago - hard to believe there wasn't something here to cater for the thirsts of fishermen and the seamen from the cargo vessels. The webcam is a good feature for it allows my distant family to see the place from time to time and also they can tell what the weather's like because when it's windy the camera wobbles a bit!

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