Sunday, 6 December 2009

Banff Harbour - Marina

(click picture to enlarge)
The harbour is now a marina. It's coversion from the former to the latter has certainly given 'life' to the area. What was once a busy fishing port changed much over the years and there was a danger of the site becoming something of a dead area. The build up of silt made it a poor mooring for leisure craft - then what happens - along come Aberdeenshire Council with investment and promise - Good for them, they not only gave a promise to the town, they actually delivered it.

The site is a pleasure to visit. I do understand there are complaints of silting but many harbours/marinas suffer this - it seems it's just a matter of having an appropriate maintenance programme - after all the forces of nature are somewhat unpredictable.

On a nice sunny day there can be no better pastime than watching the craft, yachts and working boats, going about their business. There's something nice and relaxing watching people messing about with boats.

Yes I have to say - "Well done Aberdeenshire Council and the Banff and Buchan Area Committee for investing in the future of Banff"

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